Academy Days Co-op Yearbook
Since the 2017-18 school year (skipping only the remote 2020-21 year), our homeschool co-op has published a yearbook for our students. What a great way to capture our children’s time at Academy Days Co-op for less than $20!
Students from the entire school year, both fall and spring semesters, are included in group class photos and candid shots. We meticulously go through all the photos on every page, keeping a tally of each student so we can make certain your child will be in the yearbook in 4-6 candid shots. (This ensures no one is featured fewer than 4 times, and no one “hogs” all the pictures either!)
The 52-page yearbook will have two additional personal pages for you to customize for your child's (or family's) yearbook with your own photos from clubs, camps, church, vacations, part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, birthday parties, milestones – you get the idea! Your personal pages will appear only in your yearbook.
Want more pages for each child in a family book? Each additional two pages is only $.99.
Not interested in (or don’t have time for) personal pages? No problem! You can order a standard yearbook just as easily!
Choose either a hard or soft cover, and purchase one book for each child or one for the entire family.
Yearbooks will be shipped to a central location with everyone else's (so no need to worry about shipping costs) and will be distributed at our annual Yearbook Signing Party in the spring (as pictured above).
Deadline to order for the 2023-24 school year is April 12, but why wait until the last minute? Order now and check it off your list!
For only $18.89 plus tax, you will have a 52-page, color yearbook of memories of your children and their friends! If you have questions, feel free to email us, and we’ll be glad to help. We want your children to be part of every fun thing we plan for co-op!