Frequently Asked Questions
Many of these frequently asked questions are answered on other pages of our website, but here they are all on one page.
1. What is a co-op? Isn't this like a private school? Is this a church school?
Co-op classes are a cooperative effort among several families to supplement their children's home education by working together on subjects that are difficult to teach at home or best taught in group settings. Some activities, such as P.E., need a large space or several participants to present the subject matter most effectively. Other subjects, such as biology lab or computer class, may require a financial investment in materials which can be shared with a group of families to lessen the expense for everyone.
We believe that we can accomplish more as a group by taking advantage of each other's strengths and experiences. This is not forming a private school but applying homeschooling methods to a group larger than just one family. Parents are still the primary teachers for classes taught at co-op. Academy Days Co-op does not keep records or transcripts. The co-op is not a church school, although Academy Days Co-op is a ministry of Outlook Academy. Although many co-op members are also members of Outlook Academy, any church school membership or independent is acceptable.
2. Who manages the co-op? What is the Leadership Team? Why isn't it an elected board rather than self-perpetuating?
Academy Days Co-op has a Leadership Team of three current members of co-op. The team is self-perpetuating, meaning the leaders serve until they step down and the existing team determines the replacement.
A fundamental rationale for a self-perpetuating board structure is its ability to provide continuity of purpose over a long period of time. Existing Leadership Team members select those new Leadership Team members whom they believe are best able to preserve Academy Days Co-op's core values and carry out its mission. This compares to an elected board where some people are elected based on popularity or where the majority of people are voting for nominees they barely know.
By tradition, new Leadership Team members are usually sought from the ranks of Academy Days Co-op members who have young elementary children in order to represent the families without high schoolers. We also seek Leadership Team members who are homeschoolers of more than two years, are well respected and active within the homeschool community, and demonstrate Christian values and morals. Leadership Team members have a strong incentive to choose a new leader carefully and prayerfully because the continuity of Academy Days Co-op and the success of our members are heavily dependent on the abilities and character of future Leadership Teams.
"Self-perpetuating" is the most common way of electing Leadership Team members in nonprofit organizations. It should not be confused with a "perpetual" Leadership Team, as the Leadership Team members not only step down when they no longer participate in co-op, but also can be removed.
3. If I sign up my children for co-op classes, does that mean that I don't have to teach them at home?
No! The parent is still the primary teacher for classes taught at co-op. While our classes are designed to provide students with specialized instruction, co-op classes do not absolve the parents from their responsibility for their children's education. Parents must ensure that their students keep up with assigned work each week as well as administer tests and determine final grades.
4. What are the requirements for enrollment? Do we have to be members of Eastmont Baptist Church or Outlook Academy?
Membership is open to all homeschooling families of any homeschool covering or independent. You do not have to be members of Eastmont Baptist Church nor Outlook Academy to participate.
Parental participation is mandatory, and if your child is at co-op then you must be at co-op too, serving as a teacher, team teacher, helper or set-up/clean-up crew. Fortunately, we have enough parents to ensure that we do not need to "work" the entire time we are at co-op, so co-op is a source of socialization, support and encouragement for parents as well.
5. How do I enroll my children? How can I get on the waiting list?
Pre-registration is mandatory because it holds a slot for your child. We intentionally keep the classes small, so they fill up fast! We don't want a family to show up at final registration and then find out the classes they want are full. Please email carren(at)outlookacademy(dot)com to pre-register your child. To complete the registration, you must attend Registration and Orientation held two weeks before the start of classes to fill out necessary forms and pay fees.
If the classes you need are full, or you missed the pre-registration deadline, or you move here after co-op has begun, you may certainly email us to add your name to the notification list to be notified when we open for new enrollments for the next semester. Simply email carren(at)outlookacademy(dot)com with your name, phone, and children's ages and grades.
6. We participate in another co-op, too. Can we be involved with that one and Academy Days?
This is completely up to you. Generally, we recommend that if your high school student attends another co-op, you probably should not register for Academy Days, due to the time and expense. However, some students and families have been able to handle two co-ops successfully, so it is up to you to decide.
7. Do we have to register for all four classes in my child's grade?
No. Some families participate in co-op a la carte style. You, too, may register your children for one, two, three or all four periods.
8. We missed the Fall Semester. Can we still enroll for Spring Semester?
Yes, you can still enroll for spring semester even if you did not attend in the fall. Your high schooler may earn the full high school credit by completing the coursework from fall semester over the summer. In many cases, you can purchase the materials used in fall from the instructor for a small copy fee, or do the first half of the textbook that had been used fall semester to finish the course.
9. What if we have to quit co-op unexpectedly?
Please understand that our co-op will not “fit” every family, so we ask you to prayerfully consider your decision to join BEFORE you actually sign up. Perhaps read the article "15 Reasons You Should Not Join Our Co-op" before you pre-register because by enrolling your children you are committing to participating for the full semester. When even just one parent is late or absent or quits, it puts a heavier burden on the rest of us, and consequently, the children suffer. Plus, the homeschool community is a small one, and you don't want to burn any bridges unnecessarily.
Nevertheless, we understand that family comes first in a crisis. If an unexpected emergency, such as moving, serious illness, or death in the family, has made it impossible for you to continue at co-op, please go to the Leadership Team for prayer and help. If necessary, ask your team teachers or helpers to take over your classes temporarily and make arrangements to give them class fees, supplies, and materials, if any. Then notify the Leadership Team.
10. How are classes planned each year? Can I suggest a class?
Except for the rotating history and high school sciences, classes are planned by surveying the families involved to determine their needs. Classes with the highest interest levels and those with volunteers to teach are more likely to be scheduled, taking into account the available classrooms. If you have a need or suggestion for a class, please notify the Leadership Team. We love to get new ideas or repeats of popular classes!
To allow families to study the same history together across all grade levels, we plan a 4-year history rotation: world history; U.S. history; world geography; and government/economics (high school) and Alabama history (elementary through junior high). We also have a set schedule for gr. 7-12 sciences so your child's necessary credits may be earned over the four years of high school.
11. Do you have a lunch break?
We have a lunch break between 11:30 and 12:25. Co-op does not provide lunch. Most families bring lunch and eat in the fellowship hall where we have access to a kitchen with a microwave. If you prefer to eat out, or pick up lunch and bring it back to the church, then various fast food restaurants are within a short drive. If you live nearby, you and your children may certainly go home for lunch as long as you return by 12:25 p.m. in time for third period class.
12. What if my child has a food allergy?
We have no control over what individual families bring for lunch. When we are alerted to a food allergy situation, such as nuts and seafood, we ask families not to bring items with those ingredients. For group meals and potlucks we do our best to inform co-op members of the allergy risk and label shared dishes to the best of our ability. Otherwise, parents and children are responsible for monitoring their own food allergies and sensitivities.
If your child has a serious allergy, please make sure you carry an EpiPen with you at all times in the event your child is exposed. Also, please notify your child's teachers in case food is planned for a class activity.
13. How are classes filled? How can I guarantee my child will get in?
Families currently involved in co-op are given the chance to pre-register for the next semester first, followed by families on the notification list (waiting list) for that semester, then pre-registration is open to the public.
14. How are classes divided? Since we homeschool, how do I know what “grade” my child is in?
Classes are divided by grade and/or age as of September 1: high school (grades 9-12; 14+ years old), junior high school (grades 7-8; 12-14 years old), upper elementary (grades 5-6; 10-12 years old), middle elementary (grades 3-4; 8-10 years old), lower elementary (grades 1-2; 5-8 years old), and Preschool/K4/K5 (3-6 years old). All preschoolers must be potty-trained.
We request that students not be more than two years above or below their grade peers in age. See the following two questions for details on why.
15. My child is older, but can he take a class for the younger group?
We request that students not be more than two years above their grade peers in age. In most cases, children can take a class for the younger group as long as they are within 2 to 3 years of the other students, they do not present a disruption to the class, and there is space in the class. Generally, parents should be able to decide which classes their children attend based on each student's skill level, maturity and interests, but the teacher and Leadership Team make the final determination as they know the course material better than the parent would.
16. My child is 10 years old (or another young age) but does high school level work. Or my child is very interested in one of the high school classes. Why can't he take a high school class?
We request that students not be more than two years below their grade peers in age for many reasons. Most of our classes are limited by the space of the rooms and by the abilities of the teachers, who may be equipped to handle only a certain age-range with an expected maturity level. Furthermore, for many courses, particularly those offering credit hours to high school students, separation by age is necessary based on the skills required; after all, we want upper level courses to be challenging for high school students trying to earn high school credit. As a result, sometimes the skills required for a class outweigh the student's interest in that class.
Additionally, when a student is far advanced in academics but young in age and maturity, he may not “fit” in most high school courses. An older student can effectively sit in on a class meant for a slightly younger age group, but a younger student may not work out as well in a class intended for older students. While accelerated learners may have an advantage in academics, they usually have not achieved the maturity to go with it. Even though they can handle algebra and read high school literature, they would not be able to discuss many of the broader topics that the other high school students are interested in discussing and studying.
Furthermore, although accelerated learners may be intellectual equals of the teens, they are not equipped emotionally, physically, or in any other way to participate in the teens' social events, and one of the benefits of co-op is making friends and developing a social life. Fellow classmates, who would be so much older and more mature, may not accept them as equals or friends. In other words, their emotional/philosophical level is still in elementary school, where their age places them. For their self-esteem alone, it would be better for them to be with their age peers.
However, this will not be the only chance your child has to take that interesting class! Most classes are taught again every 2-3 years, so those upper level courses give your 6th and 7th graders something to look forward to as they approach the junior high and high school years.
17. Do you accommodate children with special needs or disabilities?
The terms "special needs" and "disabilities" cover a vast array of diagnoses. Children with special needs may have mild learning disabilities or profound mental retardation; food allergies or terminal illness; developmental delays that catch up quickly or remain entrenched; occasional panic attacks or serious psychiatric problems. We have had children with asthma, food allergies, ADHD, epilepsy, mild developmental delay, and hearing impairment. Some students adapted well to co-op, while others chose to finish out the semester and did not return.
Because most parent-teachers are not equipped to teach or maintain discipline in classrooms containing children with severe disabilities, please prayerfully consider if co-op is right for your special needs child before enrolling. Depending on the parent, teacher, and Leadership Team's assessment of a child's ability to participate in classes with minimal disruption to the learning process, it may be necessary for the parent of any child to be assigned as a helper or teacher in some or all of their child's classes.
18. How does my high schooler earn high school credit hours?
When your child signs up for Academy Days, he or she is participating in a co-op. As such, parents are still the primary teachers of their children. We would not presume to take that responsibility from the parents. To earn the high school credits suggested for each class, parents should not only ensure that their students complete all homework, but also discuss topics during the week with their children in preparation for further class discussion. Additionally, parents administer tests and determine final grades. To use a science class as an example, such as chemistry or physical science, students read the text book and answer questions during the week at home; then at co-op once a week, they do the experiments and participate in discussion. They take the tests at home.
19. What exactly is done in the classes? Is it lecture format or projects, etc.?
Co-op classes are reserved for group activities, such as discussion, debate, experiments, labs, projects, re-enactments and simulations. Classes enrich and enhance what you do at home. This is why junior high and high school students are expected to read and complete homework during the week in preparation for what they do at co-op. Tests are not given during class, but parents may test at home, or teachers may provide tests for parents to administer at home.
Elementary classes involve mostly hands-on activities because lecture and discussion would bore young children. Elementary classes are enrichment, and the activities supplement academics at home. Indeed, we consider elementary classes to be like field trips or clubs -- fun, hands-on activities where the children learn without knowing they are learning!
Nevertheless, we consider grades 5-6 to be "transition" classes as students move from elementary activities to junior high expectations of completing homework on time, being attentive when teachers talk, sitting still during class, working well with others in group projects, following directions, etc. Classes for grades 5-6 prepare students for junior high classes while still provide enrichment and fun activities.
20. What curriculum do you use? Do we have to use the same curriculum at home?
Each teacher determines the books and materials to be used in her class. The class description will note if the student must purchase the book or if the teacher will provide handouts from the book, making purchase by students unnecessary. High school classes usually require the purchase of the book. Sometimes junior high classes require the book. On the other hand, all elementary classes are enrichment, so buying the book or using the same curriculum as the elementary class is not required and is not necessary.
21. Are there tests?
Testing is not required for Alabama homeschoolers, so tests are not given during class. However, high school teachers may provide tests for parents to administer at home, or parents may certainly test their children at home if no tests are provided.
22. Why do junior high and high school classes have homework?
Some junior high classes have homework, and all high school classes have homework. To earn the high school credits suggested for each class, students must complete all homework. If not, they may be sent to detention or to their parent and assigned extra work. Habitually unprepared students will be suspended or expelled from the class.
It is virtually impossible to cover all necessary topics of a subject or even go in-depth on one issue in only one hour for only one day per week. No one expects high school students to retain everything in one day; instead, they are expected to work during the week to reinforce and prepare for what they do at co-op.
Remember, one benefit of our co-op is to serve as a basis for accountability. For students to earn the high school credit, parents should make sure high school assignments are completed during the week. Also, they should discuss topics during the week with their children in preparation for further class discussion, and they should assign any additional coursework they feel may be necessary to complete the subject.
23. Why don't elementary classes have homework or weekly lessons/assignments?
Elementary students do not have homework because co-op classes supplement each family's home education schedule. Elementary students gather at co-op for group activities and experiments. We would never presume to know what curriculum would be best for your child or which method your child learns best, but we do know what activities work best for a group of children. As a result, parents determine the lessons at home during the week, using the same text book as the co-op teacher or choosing other lessons based on the weekly co-op topic, or not. It is completely up to the parent. (Note that this is entirely different from high school.)
Co-op is meant to lift the burdens of parents of high schoolers, not create more. Many families follow the curriculum of co-op for every subject, but some have their own favored course of study at home in addition to co-op. As a result, any homework from the co-op would conflict with elementary students' regular schedule of courses at home, and they would have difficulty keeping up. We don't want parents to have to redo their students' home schedules to accommodate co-op. After all, one benefit of homeschooling is being able to customize your curriculum to suit your child's needs, and we don't want to take that away from you.
Furthermore, although some elementary students may be able to handle the homework on their own, others will need parental help to understand the material. Since many parents have multiple children, this may create a hardship for them. Also, many students have family chores, responsibilities, and extracurricular activities in addition to their own homeschool work not covered at co-op. As a result, co-op classes for elementary students have group activities that are completed during the class period.
However, classes for gr. 5-6 are designed to bridge the gap between elementary classes and junior high courses. Students learn to complete (limited and optional) homework assignments on time, sit quietly and listen to teachers, take notes during brief lectures, follow directions on their own, work well in group situations -- skills which they will need for junior high and high school classes. Beyond this, the parent should assign additional work if the parent feels the child should learn responsibility or more about the subject.
24. What do you mean when you say co-op is "enrichment only" for elementary grades? Why can't they be more challenging, academic classes like the high school classes?
Co-op classes are enrichment only for elementary classes for several reasons.
We meet only once a week. There is no way to teach all there is to know in one given subject in only one hour a week for 12 weeks. That is the parent's job, not ours. Teachers will give parents a schedule (syllabus) that they can follow at home if they want, but following it is not mandatory or even necessary for elementary.
Also, some students unschool while other children may have developmental delays while still others may be advanced – there is a wide range of abilities in the classroom, and we don't want to leave anyone out. Our goal is not to conform to the majority and produce cookie-cutter students.
Plus, as one mom puts it, the attention span of a child is very short, so children need lessons and activities that will be hands-on and will keep them busy. As a result, we keep the lessons and handouts to a minimum, or better yet, we incorporate them into the activity.
It's very difficult to find volunteer teachers for high school courses as they must prepare lesson plans and homework as well as correct homework. We can't imagine asking that of elementary teachers as well.
Finally, different families use different curricula at home. We don't know what they may be learning in that subject at home, but we can certainly find hands-on activities that will enrich anything they might possibly be doing at home.
We think of co-op as a club or field trip for elementary students each week – it's hands-on, enrichment, fun! Academics are suitable at home with the parents, who are the teachers. We are a co-op, not a school.
That said, gr. 5-6 classes are designed to bridge the gap between co-op elementary classes and junior high courses. In the 5th and 6th grade classes, students learn to complete homework assignments on time, sit quietly and listen to teachers, take notes during brief lectures, follow directions on their own, work well in group situations -- skills which they will need for junior high and high school classes and which are learned in an enrichment class with no pressure.
25. What is a syllabus?
A class syllabus is simply a brief outline or list of what will be done each week. The syllabus supplies structure to the class and lets the teacher hand off to a helper or newcomer when absent. It also provides a guideline that parents can use to devise supplemental lessons at home and to ensure their high school children are prepared for class each week.
26. What size are the classes?
We intentionally keep our classes small. The teachers of each class set the limit on the number of students they can handle. Except for PE, most classes range between 4 and 15 students.
27. Are parents allowed to sit in on classes?
Absolutely! Parents may sit in on any class. Also, parents are used as “helpers” in all classes, so each class usually has 2 or 3 adult teachers and/or helpers. We believe that more interaction between students and adults leads to a more relaxed relationship between both groups. Extra hands are always a blessing. Besides, homeschooled children are accustomed to having a parent close by to give quick responses to their questions, so more adults in the room means more attentive help for the students.
28. Can I bring a visitor to co-op? Can my older, graduated homeschooler visit?
Visitors may join you for lunch only. Due to insurance and church requirements, only registered, paid students or parents are allowed to attend classes. Please do not put us in the awkward position of having to ask you to take or send your guest home.
29. I have a child still in public school. Can I bring him to co-op on his school vacations?
No. Due to insurance and church requirements, only registered, paid students or parents are allowed to attend classes. If you have children in public or private school who are out of school, they may not attend. Please do not put us in the awkward position of having to ask you to take or send your child home.
30. Why don't you allow drop-offs? Why do parents have to stay all day?
Parental participation at co-op is mandatory. If your child is at co-op, then you must be at co-op too. Our co-op is truly a “cooperative effort.” As homeschoolers, we parents are the primary teachers of our children, and this responsibility does not end with co-op.
Occasionally, we all could use the opportunity of dropping off our children while we attend to other business. However, if you want such a situation, then co-op is not right for you. Of course, rushing one child to the nearest ER for stitches is always an acceptable reason for asking someone at co-op to watch your other children unexpectedly; grocery shopping or cleaning the house for weekend guests is not. We do not want our co-op to become a “mom's-day-out” type of babysitting service – that takes the “cooperation” right out of co-op.
31. Do you have a nursery?
No. We do not have space for a nursery, so the youngest child must be at least 3 years old and fully potty trained in order to take a preschool class.
32. Are classes ever canceled?
If Montgomery County schools are closed due to bad weather, co-op will be canceled. If co-op must be canceled, members will be emailed or called according to the Cancellation Call Chain.
33. Who teaches?
The co-op does not employ teachers. Co-op teachers are fellow parents who volunteer their time and expertise free of charge; they may be certified teachers or a parent with a degree, special knowledge, or passion for a subject. For example, we have had a portrait photographer teach photography, a computer programmer teach the computer labs, a published author teach composition and creative writing, an artist teach drawing and art appreciation, a counselor teach psychology, and a nurse teach health, biology and nutrition. However, we have also had "regular" parents successfully teach economics, music appreciation, history, civics, marine biology, cooking, etc. As we homeschoolers know, if a parent likes a subject and has a teacher's manual, he or she can teach anything!
In addition, one of the benefits to group teaching is having access to guest speakers! Teachers and parents may schedule anyone as a guest speaker. We have enjoyed many presentations, including a Native American expert, airline pilot, clinical psychologist, pioneer re-enactors, firemen, missionaries, meteorologist, senators and other government officials.
Parents may elect to “team teach” a class by taking turns or teaching jointly. That way, the teachers can trade off and share the responsibility each week. Additionally, teachers have at least one adult helper, if not two, in each class.
34. Do you go on field trips?
Although we have not had many field trips, an interested parent may certainly organize field trips that relate to a class. Preferably, field trips are scheduled during one of our breaks or on a Friday, since we cannot take a day off from co-op to go on a field trip. As field trips may interfere with other homeschool activities or family plans, the trips are not mandatory, but they make excellent opportunities for rounding out our children's education and helping them “see” what they are learning. In the meantime, we do invite guest speakers to the classes when possible, which sort of brings the field trip to co-op!
35. What do you mean when you say we have to volunteer or “work” at the co-op? Can I specify where I want to volunteer?
Our co-op is truly a cooperative effort. We need every participating parent to keep the co-op functioning smoothly. By registering your children, you agree to work during their class periods as a teacher, team teacher, teacher's helper or on the set-up or clean-up crew, with at least one period as your break time. Parents who volunteer to teach or team teach two classes automatically get two breaks.
When you pre-register your children, please specify the classes in which you would like to volunteer. If your children feel more comfortable having you with them or if you need help teaching that subject at home, you can request their classes. If your children do better without you present or they prefer the independence of a class without mom, this can be arranged, too. Just indicate this option when you pre-register your children and specify if you would rather help preschool, elementary, junior high or high school. Those who do not indicate a preference will be assigned where they are needed most.
36. What is the difference between a teacher, a team teacher and a helper?
Every class has at least one teacher and one helper, but they are two different jobs. A teacher plans and teaches the class, including writing a description, setting fees, buying materials, organizing lessons and activities, and implementing them each week. Two or more team teachers in a class share those responsibilities equally, in any way they wish. They can take turns each week or each month, or one can plan while the other implements. Teachers and team teachers are guaranteed their class and their children's slots in co-op at every period since teachers' children have priority. Additionally, teachers and team teachers get a discount on the family registration fee each semester.
In contrast, a helper assists the teacher during class time and fills in when the teacher is absent. A helper can volunteer for a class, and we will try our best to accommodate her request. However, we cannot guarantee that a helper will be in the class she specifies, especially if there is a need in another class. Also, the helper's children are not guaranteed their slots in co-op as they are lower in priority after teacher's children and high school siblings.
37. Do you have a dress code?
Yes. Please consult our Policies and Procedures for the Dress Code.
38. Does the co-op have a statement of faith?
Academy Days Co-op does not have a written statement of faith, but it is a Christian co-op. We base our guidelines on precepts from the Bible, which is also used as the standard to determine the appropriateness of subject matter. Classes are taught from a Christian worldview, and each class begins with prayer. Nevertheless, we are an inclusive group, meaning we welcome all families from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, church school coverings, and homeschool styles.
39. Do co-op families get together for events that include dads?
We organize a luncheon on the last day of co-op each semester, to which we bring covered dishes in addition to fried chicken (fall) or pizza (spring) provided by co-op. Dads, grandparents, and other guests are welcome at that time.
40. Do the students get together for social events outside of co-op?
Because so many of our children have made friends in co-op, they get together frequently during the week or over breaks informally at each other's homes. Nothing has been formally organized, however, beyond an end-of-summer pool party. This could be because there are so many homeschool support groups already in this area. We often see each other at those events, such as the Fellowship of Home Educators (FHE) and Elmore County Homeschool Organization (ECHO).
41. Can I host a birthday party for my child during lunch at co-op?
No. With the number of children even in our small co-op, there would be someone with a birthday a few times a month, so it could quickly get out of hand. Also, new families may feel uncomfortable buying gifts for children they just met. We do not want co-op to escalate into an expensive series of birthday parties. However, some parents do bring cupcakes or cookies, enough for the entire co-op, on their child's birthday, and their classmates can certainly sing "Happy Birthday" before class begins.
42. What is a co-op "feast"?
At least once during each semester we have a co-op "feast" based on our history rotation for that semester. For example, we have enjoyed a Medieval Feast at the end of our studies on Medieval Times, a Greek Feast after learning about ancient Greece, a "Celebrate America" feast while studying early American history, and a Roaring 20s feast after studying the 1920s in world history. For world geography, we organize a feast featuring dishes from around the world. During a feast, parents sign up to bring a covered dish relevant to the theme, and we all eat lunch together at co-op. Students (and parents!) dress up to fit the theme, classes hold costume contests, and projects are on display. Sometimes we may have a historical re-enactors.
43. Do you have an "open house"? Can we visit a class in advance?
No, we do not host an open house nor can we have visitors in any of the classes. Our co-op is so small it thrives on word of mouth alone. As a matter of fact, we usually have a waiting list. The few families who don't return the next year, either because they move away or find the co-op doesn't fit their families anymore, are usually replaced quickly.
44. How can I let other co-op families know about an upcoming event?
We communicate with our members in three ways: website, emails, and parents' lounge. First, we keep our web site updated regularly. Second, we send out emails strictly limited to co-op information. Third, we place a newsletter and signup sheets on the counter in the Parents' Lounge, where anyone can post upcoming events or information. We also have a private Facebook page, Friends of Academy Days Co-op, but not all members have Facebook, so we do not rely on it for disseminating information.
If you have information to share with members, feel free to print a flyer for the parents' lounge table or announce it with one of the local support groups, such as the Fellowship of Home Educators (FHE) and Elmore County Homeschool Organization (ECHO). Most co-op families are members of one or more of those groups, so you'll reach them as well as many more homeschooling families.
We recommend that you regularly visit the website, diligently read your emails Monday and Wednesday nights during the semester, and carefully check the Parents' Lounge each week.