A Homeschool Ministry of Outlook Academy in Montgomery, Alabama
Just like these 16-year-olds, Academy Days Co-op was “born” in 2006, and we celebrated 16 years back in Spring 2022. We are so grateful to the Lord for guiding us through the quarantine, leading us into the future, and bringing us all the remarkable students and dedicated parents and grandparents over nearly 19 years.
About Us
When and Where
Diverse homeschooling families in Montgomery, Autauga and Elmore Counties meet on Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. at Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery to learn, socialize and support each other. We have two periods in the morning and two periods in the afternoon with fellowship time from 9:15 to 9:30 a.m. and lunch from 11:30 to 12:25. Each fall and spring semester covers 14 weeks with two breaks per semester.
Enrollment for Spring 2025 is now closed. To be added to the notification list for Fall 2025, simply email us with your contact info, children’s names and grade levels. Academy Days Co-op is open to homeschoolers of any church covering or independent in grades 1 though 12; this year we do not offer preschool-kindergarten classes. Families can enroll for one, two, three or all four periods. Please note that this is not a “drop-off” as parents must be on site to help in some way.
Classes are available for homeschoolers in grades 1 though 12 in subjects difficult to teach at home or best taught in groups. A 4-year history rotation and a 2-year science lab rotation ensure high schoolers get the credits they need. High school core subjects and electives are college-prep, but most are open to grades 7 or 8. Current classes are determined via a parents’ survey, and those with volunteer teachers and the most votes make the schedule.
Teachers are fellow homeschooling parents with a degree, special knowledge or passion for the subjects they teach. We are nurses, former school teachers, published authors, computer programmers, local artists, native speakers of foreign languages, fitness trainers, musicians, and Sunday school teachers, who volunteer our time and expertise because our own kids are being taught by other "experts" down the hall. Parents do not have to teach, but they do have to be on site while their children are present, assisting teachers, setting up, or serving in some way. This is truly a cooperative effort and not a “drop-off.” As a result, we have a low student-to-teacher ratio, and most classes range between 3 and 12 students with two or three “team teachers” sharing the responsibilities.
No one at Co-op gets paid. The only costs to families each semester are the nominal class fees for supplies, the Family Registration Fee, and the purchase of books for high school courses (if needed). Class fees range from $2 to $30 for the entire 14 weeks of a semester and pay only for supplies, so Co-op is very affordable, even for a large family. The $75 Family Registration Fee covers insurance and general supplies. To offset the fee, we offer more than 15 discounts for such considerations as team teaching a class, helping with set-up or clean-up, serving in the military, being a member of Outlook Academy or Eastmont Baptist Church, and even bringing 5 canned foods to orientation (one of the deliveries is pictured above). The more a parent volunteers, the more discounts he or she earns.
Dates for 2024-25
Fall 2024: 14 weeks with 2 breaks
Enrollment Deadline: July 31
Orientation & Registration: August 8
Classes: August 22 through November 21
Co-op Breaks (No classes): September 19 (Week 5) and October 24 (Week 10)
Spring 2025: 13 weeks with 1 break
Enrollment Deadline: January 29
Orientation & Registration: February 6
Classes: February 20 through May 15
Co-op Break (No classes): April 3 (Week 7) -
Back in 2006, three homeschooling moms (Carren, Debbie, and Anita), whose children have now graduated, started Co-op for help teaching subjects they weren’t comfortable with, at a cheap price, in a safe environment, where their children could make friends. Classes began at Cain’s Chapel UMC in Slapout (Holtville) with 17 families whose parents led 20 classes. Today we are honored to meet at Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery with 45 families whose parents lead 42 classes, all of which are still offered at a cheap price, in a safe environment, where our children can make friends.
Purpose and Goals
PURPOSE: To minister to homeschooling families with high school students, but include younger children too.
GOALS: To broaden the scope of home-based education by combining parents’ talents and resources; to provide opportunities to participate with others in group activities; to offer an economical means of enriching the education experience; to enable homeschoolers to form supportive relationships with others; and to fulfill the mission of the church in winning others and making disciples for Christ. -
Leadership Team
Meet our Leadership Team: Shannon, Carren, and Heather! Together they have more than 50 years of homeschooling experience. As with most successful nonprofit organizations, the Leadership Team is self-perpetuating, meaning the leaders serve until they step down and the existing team determines the replacement. At least one leader is on break each period to monitor our areas and be available for help. The Leadership Team is here to serve and is not “bothered” by requests for prayer, fellowship or counsel, so please make your needs known.
Christian-based, Parent-led
Our guidelines are based on precepts from the Bible, and classes are taught from a Christian worldview. As an inclusive group, we welcome families from diverse backgrounds, beliefs, and homeschool styles. Our co-op owes its success to the Lord, Who works through parents contributing their ideas and volunteering their time and expertise. We certainly appreciate parents who teach, but we also value parents who set up, clean up, organize events, etc. By working together and adapting to fit members' needs, all the children and parents benefit.
Our Graduates
Here are our Spring 2024 graduates! Academy Days Co-op has been serving the homeschool community since the 2006-2007 school year. Since then, more than 75% of our graduates have progressed to college or university (77.7%). Of course, college is not a prerequisite for success in life, and we also applaud those graduating students who have successfully pursued employment, entrepreneurship, missions, or the military after high school instead of college. We are very proud of our industrious students and dedicated team teachers!
Prayer Room
Each period a Prayer Team member is praying for every family in co-op as well as the church where we meet and the community, state, and nation. At any time, parents or students can go to the Prayer Room for quiet prayer, meditation, or Bible reading. If needed, someone is available to listen to concerns and pray together. The Prayer Request Box is located at the Entrance Table for parents and children to use. We know that praying with and for each other makes an enormous impact on our families as well as on the co-op and our community.
The Extras
Each semester we enjoy a fun dress-up day, such as Pajama Day (pictured) or Superhero Day. We also host a “feast” based on the history rotation, such as the “Roaring '20s” with flappers and gangsters, a “Medieval Feast” with a student king and queen, and the “America Discovered Feast” with pirates and pioneers. We also publish a yearbook, hold class costume contests, display projects, invite re-enactors and speakers, plan class field trips and moms’ nights out, and share a potluck at the history feast and on the last day.
What a great way to capture your time at Co-op! Students from the entire school year, both fall and spring, are included in class photos and candid shots. We meticulously go through each page and tally students’ photos so no one is featured too often, whether attending one semester or all year. The yearbook theme is voted on by the upcoming seniors, and the published yearbooks are distributed at our popular Yearbook Signing Party in the spring. Click here for details on the yearbook.
Pumpkin Contest
New for Fall 2022 was our first Book Character Pumpkin Contest! More than 25 students entered the contest with pumpkins decorated to represent a book character. Charlotte’s Web was the most popular book with three entrants, followed by Harry Potter with two. The 10 winners included “Most Creative” (pictured) and “Most Original” as well as “Funniest” and “Best in Show.” Everyone enjoyed decorating and admiring the pumpkins, so now we hold this contest every year!