Comments and Testimonials
Take a closer look at what our current and former members have to say about friendships, socialization, classes, schedules, teachers, guidelines, and administration at Academy Days. These were anonymous comments on our most recent spring survey, so not all comments are complete sentences.
We have divided the survey questions into topics below, so similar comments are grouped together. If more than one parent wrote the same or similar comment, it is noted with the number who commented in (parenthesis).
Leadership Team responses to some comments are in italics.
Friendships, Fellowship, Socialization:
Social aspect, social activities, interaction (6)
Fellowship, community, teamwork, family environment (5)
Friendship, families, friends (5)
Fellowship and the kids learning class etiquette, kids learning from another person, safe environment, fun!
The fellowship between friends and families. Our kids aren't just learning subject matter, they are learning to be great people!
Learning and making friendships
Teaching and the friends my children have made
Community & care for one another's children. It's nice to have and be a working part of a “homeschool village.” Our family has met and made friends that have become both an enjoyable and trustworthy part of our lives. We trust one another to sow good seeds of academic success, faith in God, and love for one another into each other's most precious gifts.... our children and our future leaders. It's a privilege to be a part of this kind of community.
The Christian atmosphere and the friendliness of parents and teachers have been awesome. I’m amazed at how much time and effort administrators and all parents put into this homeschool program to make it run so smoothly! [Child’s name] has enjoyed being a part of the theatre class more than I can express. Although we will not be returning next semester, please know that it isn’t because of dissatisfaction. It is because of extenuating circumstances. Thank you for all that you have done this year. May God continue to bless you and your efforts with Academy Days!
Well organized, nice and friendly people ….
Being w/other homeschool families
Time with kids
I love that the classes are fun but also structured and in depth. I love the fun things, like feast days and dress up days too. It’s been a great experience for us!
Classroom setting, regular school environment (2)
The opportunity for my child to learn from others.
The chance for kids to learn from other adults, have the chance to get good social interaction, make friends that they can do stuff with other than being limited to public school hours.
The people and the availability of classes that are needed.
[Children’s names] get to do hands-on crafts, activities, and experiments and my house doesn't end up a disaster, lol. Honestly, though, I love working with the first and second graders. We've got an amazing bunch of kids in co-op.
Good team teachers where we’re both carrying the weight and no judgment. Real moms being honest and loving each other’s kids.
Classes that I don’t want to teach at home and the social aspect for the kids and myself!
Classes being offered, kids making friends, other parents to bounce ideas with
Extracurricular classes
The friends and fellowship for parents and students and the great wealth of knowledge on different subjects offered by the parents.
The opportunity to learn along with other homeschooling families
The opportunity for my students to broaden their curricular opportunities and learn from other Christian adults and students. The chance to learn about homeschool from others. The opportunity to share what God has taught me with other students.
We love the friendship and I’m grateful to be able to delegate some of my children’s learning!
The best thing I like about co-op is that it takes some of the pressure off of the parents.
Offer some of the sciences every year. [Leadership Team: We have set a rotating schedule to guarantee certain core subjects will be offered during the four high school years. Additional classes can be considered for the class survey even if they were taught the previous year as long as they have a volunteer to teach them. If they receive more votes than other classes, they will make the schedule.]
Make sure every student gets biology [Leadership Team: Because we were remote for a year and a half, more students need biology now than ever before, so we will offer biology for the next three years, then re-evaluate. Thank you to the parents who were concerned and recommended this solution. We were thrilled to see that all students who wanted (or rather, their parents wanted) biology next year were able to sign up for the class. Typically, a class will not get enough votes for it to be offered consecutive years. (P.E. has always been the only exception.) Because homeschoolers can take high school subjects in any order, our students have four years in which to take required subjects, and while Biology is often taken in 9th or 10th, students can take Chemistry or Physics prior if they have the necessary math prerequisites.]
Could we even push it to where there is an alternative Science class offered for those who are not pushing into a science major in college, for example “Chemistry by Apologia” AND a separate “Chemistry in the kitchen,” still keeping CP diploma, but where they will learn applicable ways they will actually use it as adults in the home? [Leadership Team: Sure! Classes are decided by parents, not the Leadership Team. Suggest the class for the survey, volunteer to teach it or find another teacher, and then see if other families agree enough to vote for it. There are just a few courses we guarantee to be scheduled each year. There are a lot more opportunities to add any other classes, including lighter science classes. Next year we will have Forensics and Computer Applications courses for those who do not want to take a more formal science course. Other ideas were on the survey but no one volunteered to teach them. Also, some of us have used Chemistry in the Kitchen at home. It is a great program but a huge investment for everyone to buy the lesson plans and all the necessary books. The labs are great, but do not fit into the time constraints of co-op classes.]
Thank you for keeping us informed regularly
I appreciate the consideration put into the emails so we’ll know what’s going on, coming up next, etc. Otherwise, you’d be fielding questions all the time you’re at co-op!
Fewer emails or fewer details in emails or bullet point emails
Very thankful – would love to see more automated messaging
None, Idk, N/A (9)
This has been great, and currently I have no suggested improvements.
I honestly can't think of any. Nothing is perfect, but I can't think of any one specific area.
I can’t think of any. It is super organized!
It seems to run rather smoothly.
Would like to see more field trips, missions, community service opps too. [Leadership Team: We love seeing our co-op members participate in other outings, especially charitable ones. Aside from coordinating the canned food delivery at the start of each semester, the Leadership Team’s focus is on organizing weekly co-op days. Any member is welcome to coordinate other projects and trips. This past school year (2021-22) the Survival Skills class met at the end of each semester to put some of their skills into practice. British Literature teachers also informed parents about opportunities to attend plays related to what they had studied. One mom organized a monthly Moms’ Night Out and an end-of-year pool party. We’d love to see more events added if someone is willing to lead them.]
I'm willing to team teach wherever needed and as often as needed. I personally like to stay busy. If I'm there, I may as well be productive. So, wherever I'm needed most & how often is really fine with me. I personally enjoy how organized our co-op is and also know that this takes many willing participants. So, I'm also willing to be flexible in order to help maintain our organization & sense of community.
Thanks for all the leadership team does to make Co-Op successful!
It’s a well oiled machine!!!
We really enjoy Academy Days and appreciate all you do to make the group such a success!!
Academy Days is such a blessing. By far the best co-op of which we've ever been a part. So excited for 2022-2023!!
It’s been a good option for my child.
It’s been a fantastic opportunity for my family. I have enjoyed teaching—way more than I thought I would. It has also been amazing to watch [child’s name] blossom. Pre-co-op, I couldn’t get the kid to do anything without either momma or big brother doing it with him. It’s also been amazing how welcoming everyone is—not one person has been mean or cruel to [child’s name] about his apraxia, which makes speech hard for him. That’s a hard thing to find.